Reality+ by David J. Chalmers

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Reality+ by David J. Chalmers Empty Reality+ by David J. Chalmers

Message par Topsy Turvy Dim 20 Fév 2022 - 11:22

David John Chalmers […] is a Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science at New York University, as well as co-director of NYU's Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness (along with Ned Block). […]
Chalmers is best known for formulating the hard problem of consciousness. He is the cofounder of PhilPapers (a database of journal articles for professionals and students in philosophy) along with David Bourget.
Son dernier livre questionne le rapport à la réalité, virtuelle ou pas :
Reality+ Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy

[…] In Reality+, Chalmers conducts a grand tour of philosophy, using cutting-edge technology to provide invigorating new answers to age-old questions.

Drawing on examples from pop culture, literature and film that help bring philosophical issues to life, Reality+ is a mind-bending journey through virtual worlds, illuminating the nature of reality and our place within it.
The man rethinking the definition of reality
Across his career, the philosopher David Chalmers has challenged what we hold to be true about consciousness and the mind. As Tom Chatfield discovers, now he is questioning reality itself.
What is Chalmers' own take when it comes to the status of his reality? Would he like to live in a simulation – or to know if he were already living in one? "I haven't quite made up my mind," he says. "On the one hand, there's something very cool about the idea of being in the base reality. There are all these simulations, but getting to be in base reality is a very interesting and special place to be. On the other hand, if we are in a simulation, then the Universe is much bigger and grander than we had thought." 

It's a line of thought that feels, somehow, autobiographical – a version of the restless curiosity that took him halfway across the world, and that Reality+ maps across a succession of philosophical vignettes, provocations and parables. As he put it at the end of our conversation: "I grew up in Australia, and I discovered that at some point, oh my God, there's a whole world out there that I get to explore beyond this. I think that knowing there's a world outside our own Universe, perhaps even one that we could in principle explore, would open up horizons and possibilities that are exciting and interesting." And his ultimate verdict on that slippery word "reality" – and why it needs to be followed by "plus" to encompass everything he's trying to say? "I guess I would like to say… that reality is capacious. Space is big. But reality is bigger."

NB : ne pas confondre avec Alan F. Chalmers
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Topsy Turvy

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Date d'inscription : 10/01/2020

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